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Showing posts from May, 2016

Using Python for GPG/PGP File Encryption - Part 2

Previously we looked at creating keys, importing public and private keys and the overall setup of gnupg with python. This time around, we're going to take a look at file encryption. Overall the file encryption process is fairly general/easy. But it lacks in the area of scaleablilty, ie to start, you'll only be encrypting one file at a time, which can be done outside of Python with ease. The idea of going over everything in Python, is that you can setup a script to encrypt multiple files in a folder (look for that in Part 3). Assumptions; you have python, and python-gnupg installed, and a public key from someone you want to encrypt and send files to imported to your keystore home (see Part 1 for more information here. Let's get started with Python file encryption. Start off by getting into your python shell, and enter the following: >>> import os >>> import gnupg >>> gpg_home = "/path/to/keyfile/.gnupg" >>> gpg = gnupg....

Twitter and 2-factor setup

So, let's go through setting up 2-factor on Twitter. The way Twitter works is that they will send you a verification code to your phone via SMS. They don't have their site set up to work with any third-party apps. As I've said before, this is not meant to be an in-depth guide, but more of a how-to for those that wouldn't normally think of turning on additional security settings. With that, let's get started: 1) Log into your Twitter, and select your user in the upper right corner. Then select Settings: 2) In the menu on the left side, select Security and Privacy: 3) In the middle of the page, you should see an option for "Login verification". Select the check box and you'll start the process for setting this up. 4) You'll get the following pop-up that will walk you through the setup of 2-factor auth: 5) If you haven't entered your phone number before, you'll be asked to. If you have, you'll see the following to confirm yo...

Facebook and Two-Factor Auth

So in this post, I'm going to go over a quick setup on how to turn of two-factor auth with Facebook. Facebook does some interesting things once you turn on two-factor auth. If you have the app installed on your device, it will push a login code to that device. You can also set this up with SMS and the DUO Mobile app. We'll go over all three here. For a more high-level document on 2-factor auth, see my post HERE . As I've said before, this is not meant to be an in-depth guide, but more of a how-to for those that wouldn't normally think of turning on additional security settings. With that, let's get started: 1) Fist off, log into your Facebook on a computer and go over to the little down arrow in the upper right corner and select Settings. In the settings area, you'll want to select "Security" on the left. 2) In the Security Settings, you'll need to select the Edit button in the "Login Approvals" section. You'll be presented wi...

Amazon and Two-Factor Auth

In this post, I'll go over setting up Two-Factor Authentication for an Amazon account. If you want more information about Two-Factor Authentication and an app recommendation, see my post on the topic HERE . If you're ready to get started, then let's go! As I've said before, this is not meant to be an in-depth guide, but more of a how-to for those that wouldn't normally think of turning on additional security settings. With that, let's get started: 1) Go to Your Account in the upper right, and fine Account Settings toward the bottom of the page: 2) Next you should see an option for Advanced Security Settings, select the Edit button: 3) On the next page you should have the open to turn on Two-Step Verification. Select the Get Started button to turn this on. 4.1) On the next page you'll have the option to either use SMS messaging or an authenticatior app. If you went through my post on 2-factor for all and installed the DUO Mobile app on your de...

Two-Factor Auth for the non-technical...

So in this post, I wanted to go over some high level information on Two-Factor Authentication. My goal here is to provide just enough information to enable the not-so technically savvy person to get a grip on stronger security methods for their online accounts. So if you're looking for an in-depth guide to two-factor, this might not be what your looking for. If you just want to get some info on how to better secure some of your accounts, then I think you've found the right place. Here, we'll go over things like: What is Two-Factor Auth? Why do I want to use it? How do I use it? In posts to follow, I'll go over how to set up Two-Factor Auth on various accounts. Such as Facebook, Amazon, Google, Yahoo, Outlook, etc. So let's dive in. What is Two-Factor Auth? Two-Factor authentication is really what it sounds like. You have your user name and password (1-factor) then you have something else. Typically it's a code from your mobile device or keyfob. Oc...