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Showing posts from 2013

Quickly launch your favorite Control Panel items

Like most things Microsoft, there's more than one way to accomplish a task. Now me personally, I do not like the set up of the control panel. Every time I have to try and find something on a new computer, the first thing I have to do is change the view category to icons. But I tell you there is an easier way to get things done (actually two ways...). By knowing the Control Panel Tool commands you can quickly get to some of the items either from the Run dialog box or from the Windows Start Menu search bar. By using the Run dialog box (Windows Key + r) you can access the "control" commands to quickly get to various settings or control panel items. For a full list of the control commands see Microsoft's table of simplified control syntax. What I've found to be an even faster method, is to access some of these control panel settings by knowing their .cpl extension. Some of these include access to the Network Connections, or Add/Remove Programs, or System Propertie...

PowerShell Scripting: Removing Multiple Directories

Update 20150916 So the pic I used to display the CSV sample went missing. So the latest update just includes a text version of what was displayed. Thanks! Original Post I'm still fairly new to utilizing PowerShell to automate tasks and get big tasks done. But every time I use it, the tool makes my life a whole lot easier. Recently I was tasked with deleting over 500 directories. Thankfully someone else had the task of identifying the directories that were slated to be deleted, I just had to complete the process of removing them. Thanks to a little article from the Scripting Guy! Blog (found HERE ) I had some direction to start in. What I ended up doing is creating a single column CSV file that contains the path to the directories to be deleted. This path includes drive letter, and the overall path to the folder. It should look similar to this: delete C:\Path\to\folder C:\Path\to\folder2 D:\Path\to\folder D:\Path\to\folder2 I named the file "delete.csv" and pla...

RDP Connection Error: No Remote Desktop Client Access Licenses Available

So, as of recent I have had several occurrences of this wonderful RDP error as of late, so I figured I'd share what I've found to be helpful. It pops up upon connection and goes like this: "Remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop client access licenses available for this computer. Please contact the server administrator." And it looks something like this: Oddly enough this type of error has noting to do with licensing, it's typically the cause of a bad Registry Key. But before we go Registry diving, I suggest attempting to rebuild the default RDP profile. This may work in some cases, but more than likely, you will be following the later steps. To remove the "Default.rdp" file: Open File Explorer Navigate to Documents Locate "Default.rdp" and Delete it Attempt to launch an RDP session. If that fixes your error than you'r done. If not, follow these next steps to remove the Registry Key that's ...

DiskPart for Cleaning Flash Drives

I often like to play around with new and different Linux distros as I am building my experience in computer and phone forensics. Mostly to see what they are like and how they could be of any use to me either now or in the future. One thing that I have found is that in doing so I have to utilize different forms of creating the bootable media, typically a USB Flash Drive. In doing so I often find that depending on how the media was created, doing a simple Windows format of the drive isn't enough to properly clean it for use with something else. Typically hidden files/folders can be left on the device, and sometimes the bootable flash drive creation process can partition the flash drive and the Windows GUI only sees one of the two partitions. Windows does have a command based tool that enables better management of drives called DiskPart (Check out their TechNet Article Here for more details). I'm going to go through a quick walk through on how to clean and format a flash drive us...

NTP Server Setup

So some time back I was asked to set up an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server for a client. The particular environment only has a few servers that can access the internet, which were used primarily for WSUS, and the rest of the environment has internet access blocked. So, in this process I'll walk you through installing Meinberg NTP Software (check them out here) and then configuring the PDC's (Primary Domain Controller) registry to obtain time from the newly installed service. I know, I could just set a GPO to order all of the servers in the network to get time from the NTP server, but my goal in this was to limit traffic to the internet connected servers. What I found out is that by default all Windows systems get their time from the PDC by default and update at the time of login. By changing the PDC's registry this default configuration stays in place, and I don't have to wait for the GPO to update throughout the network... Setup and Instillation Create NTP se...

Remote Desktop CTL-ALT-DEL

I get this question quite often from some of the remote users that utilize their VMs via RDP. Especially since the environment in which they work in requires a password change every 90 days....I've told them multiple times how to do this, but as it is not widely documented, I suppose I could make a note here just to aid those that stumble upon this through Googling the question: "How to CTL-ALT-DEL in an RDP session?" Well simply put the answer is: CTL-ALT-END I know, it doesn't make much sense, but it works. That's all you need to know.

JBoss 4.2.2 in Windows Server 2008

A little background on this project, and why I needed to run a vulnerable JBoss instance in my environment. I have a client that wanted to demo a web app that utilizes JBoss as it's prmary middleware. The web app is completly built around JBoss 4.2.2 so unfortunately I had no other option but to use it. Eventually, if the client decides to purchase the web app I will be putting extra security on the server so that the sensitive/hackable areas of JBoss are at least password protected, and I will post directions on that accordingly. As of now the only access to the server is through a VPN into the environment. The big security issues will occur when the client wants to access the web app via the internet without the VPN... After successfully installing JBoss (easiest part of this whole thing), the client wanted it to be turned into a Windows service, then wanted it to bind on the host IP address or host name. This is so that they can access the web app without being connect to the ...